Since its establishment as a non-profit consultancy firm in 1986, FAKT has worked to improve social and economic conditions in developing and transition countries. By facilitating our clients’ search for new perspectives and sustainable solutions, FAKT consultants take a results-oriented approach and promote sustainable capacity development in partner countries.


Building bridges for development

FAKT consultants are experienced professionals from diverse economic, social, and technical backgrounds. We value teamwork and are committed to collaborating equally with local experts. Over the years, we have developed  a network of international consultancy expertise in the global South and North. This enables us to provide support to our clients and partners, including governmental and international development institutions, civil society organizations, and private sector companies.

Participatory processes for sustainable results

Together with our clients and their partner organisations we design and accompany processes appropriate to their situation and needs. In our consultancy work we combine specific knowledge, methodological expertise, and intercultural experience. Our work is process-oriented and aims to facilitate the planning, implementation and monitoring of strategies and programmes by partner organisations, and to steer them towards tangible results. We assist them in capacity development to open up new perspectives and sustainable solutions in a world facing challenges which can only be addressed globally.

Interdisciplinary teams

We work in interdisciplinary teams with engineers, economists, and social scientists. Our consultants are specialised in sectors such as sustainable agriculture; climate change adaptation; water supply and sanitation; vocational education and training; employment promotion and natural resource management. At the same time, we apply methodological expertise such as up-to-date evaluation and impact assessment methodologies, organisational analysis, mentoring and coaching in our work.

Local expertise as a key to development

We believe in working in mixed teams which combine international expertise with local know-how and local perspectives for the benefit of our partners. Whenever possible we work in equal partnership with local consultants and national institutions. As part of our non-profit agenda, we systematically build partnerships within our regional and global network of consultants.

Networking and cooperation

FAKT is an active member of national and international networks, and collaborates with experienced specialists, local consultants and consulting firms from a variety of countries.


FAKT e.V. is a registered non-profit association dedicated to advancing development cooperation, education, and training. Established in 2008, it now comprises 30 members. FAKT e.V. took over the ownership of FAKT Consult from its previous owners: Brot für die Welt, EED (Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst), Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg, Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden, and FAKT Associated Consultants.

Beyond monitoring and supervising its company, FAKT-Consult gGmbH, FAKT e.V. is actively engaged in:

  • Organizing educational events
  • Conducting workshops on topics related to development cooperation
  • Identifying and supporting projects with partner organizations, often in collaboration with funding organizations.

In recent years, FAKT e.V. has provided financial support and technical expertise to the following projects:

  • Tierra Libre, Paraguay: in preserving indigenous cultural heritage
  • Pagbag_o, Philippines: supporting gardening projects for urban youth and water supply for indigenous communities
  • Hopin Academy, Ghana: in developing water projects.
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