Education & Employment
For more than 30 years, FAKT has been engaged in the areas of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), youth employment promotion and entrepreneurship/ micro and small enterprise development, provides services to governmental and non-governmental organisations and contributes to dialogue facilitation and concept development. In our understanding, the three fields are closely connected: TVET systems and skills development programmes, to be effective, need to address labour market demand to the same extent as contributing to gender-equality and socio-economic inclusion of marginalised groups. During the next decade, TVET will play an even more crucial role in generating skilled labour that is needed for a green and just transformation of economies world-wide. We support youth employment measures that address systemic challenges with multi-stakeholder approaches while building on young peoples’ interests and capacities. Promoting youth entrepreneurship in sectors such as agriculture and other green sectors is closely connected to FAKT’s services in the areas of rural development, agriculture and sustainable management of natural resources.
FAKT’s long term expertise in TVET, youth employment and entrepreneurship is complemented by cross-sectoral expertise in areas such as impact assessment, results-based monitoring, organisational development and training of policy makers, TVET managers and trainers.
FAKT specializes in the following fields of Education & Employment: