Climate Change Light House Projects – Church of Toraja, Indonesia
Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) and Brot für die Welt have been working with partner organizations since 2009 as part of the Climate Change Light House Projects (CC LHPs) in areas particularly affected by Climate Change. These projects are designed to enable people in affected regions to better cope with the consequences of the negative impacts of climate change. A special focus of these projects is the combination of disaster preparedness and development work to strengthen the resilience of the most affected and vulnerable households.
Based on the risk analysis (risk assessment) conducted by FAKT, measures were planned and implemented, together with those concerned, to enable people to better deal with the consequences of Climate Change (adaptation) and to reduce climate-related emissions (mitigation). Through the support of lobbying and advocacy work on the ground in Indonesia, in Germany and on a global level, greater spread and sustainability is to be achieved.
The Light House Projects planned in Indonesia (IPPHTI in Java and GT in Sulawesi) has a model character in bringing together disaster preparedness with development work, and newly developed methods such as risk analysis, climate field school and sustainable organic agriculture.
FAKT accompanied the project with a process-based approach. This entails that the consultant’s role is to support and facilitate reflection processes together with the project staff on their work in key areas and solutions are developed in a participatory approach. This way, the clients (partners GT and IPPHTI respectively) have ownership of the outcomes of the consultancy. FAKT conducted two on-site consultancies each year, accompanied by remote support in-between.
Partner: GT and IPPHTI

FAKT Services
- Deepening the discussion on the coherence of the newly developed CRAIIP projects (Climate Resilient Adaptation Innovation Investigation Project) and Light House Projects
- Supporting the partners in methodological questions of the risk analyses as well as the technical assessment of the planned resilience measures.
- Supporting the partners in the planning and implementation of workshops on sustainable organic agriculture, with a focus on climate change adaptation.
- Joint reflection loops with the project staff on the respective status of the project implementation and, if necessary, the development and planning of improvement options.
- FAKT additionally participated in the “Technical Advisory Board” (TAB) that guides the Climate Change adaptation work, carried out in cooperation with the Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM) of the University of Bogor.