Studies on „Green Skills for a Just Transition“
GIZ’s Sector Project Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) commissioned FAKT to develop a series of five studies on „Skills for a Just Transition to a Green Future“. The starting point of the study series has been a discussion paper, published by GIZ in mid-2022, which elaborates seven hypotheses on the pathways to prepare the workforce for a just transition to a Green Economy, and how to address the wider policy framework for a just transition with regard to the reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) systems.
The initial discussion paper was followed by three sectoral studies which shed light on three important key sectors of the Green Economy: Renewables Energy, Sustainable Mobility and Green Construction. Each study has analysed future technological trends relevant to developing and emerging economies in the Global South as well as the corresponding skill requirements and current training systems. Based on several project examples from countries in Africa and Asia, the studies conclude with practicable recommendations how TVET systems in developing and emerging economies have to change in order to address the upcoming skill requirements required to make these sectors environmentally and socially more sustainable.
The series concludes with a political vision paper which elaborates on the wider political dimension and the role of TVET in the Green and Just Transition and sets out a conceptual framework for the development of a common political vision for German Development Cooperation that recognises the importance of TVET for a green and just future.
FAKT Services
The studies have been published by GIZ and are available here:
- Discussion Paper: Skills for a Just Transition to a Green Future
- Renewables Energy: TVET for Renewable Energies
- Sustainable Mobility: TVET for Sustainable Mobility
- Green Construction: TVET for Sustainable Construction
- Vision Paper: What TVET can and must do in a Just Transition to a Green Economy