Good Practices in Land Rights Work in South East Asia and the Pacific
Brot für die Welt and their partner organizations in Southeast Asia and the Pacific decided to elaborate a study on good practices as part of a learning and exchange process on their land rights work. The overall goal was the documentation and exchange of good practices on land defense strategies contributing towards strengthening sustainable land rights of disadvantaged groups and land conflict transformation in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
For this, Brot für die Welt partners working on land rights and land conflicts in Southeast Asia and the Pacific documented their experiences through reports and videos and discussed them in a series of online discourse. The process aimed at inspiring learning among each other and documenting practical experiences. The reports and videos present a broad range of approaches in land rights work, combining experience from development, peace building and human rights fields of action. The results of the individual videos and reports and of the online discourse are summarized in a synthesis report and video. The products are characterized by a high level of practical relevance. The link for the video ‘Sharing Good Practices in Land Rights Work’ can be accessed at, and the project documentation at or can also be downloaded under the publications menu on the FAKT homepage.
FAKT Services
- Provision of expertise in community video production to support the video production process of the partners in Southeast Asia and the Pacific (in cooperation with Kigali Films (
- Conceptualization and facilitation of the online discourse with the partners and Brot für die Welt
- Production of a synthesis video based on the different partner videos
- Editing of the synthesis report summarizing the findings from the learning process
- Financial Management of partners’ studies